Should you be starting a business in Bulgaria?
Why should we be interested in starting a business in Bulgaria? This is a question that is often asked through our contact form and phone line support.
The main reason for this interest is that people are wondering what made the small European Country so popular among investors.
Firstly we should mention the country`s stable economic environment.
Bulgaria’s GDP has been steadily growing in the past 5 years. Furthermore, the country is one of the most efficient ones among they entire EU in employing its growth stimulating programs that are designed for new members.
The next major reason is the tax system.
Bulgaria currently has the most advantageous tax system in the European Union and one of the most advantageous ones in the world. With a flat corporate tax of 10% from the net profits and a flat income tax of 10% it is designed in a way to stimulate business owners in best optimizing their taxes payable and investing back into their business and the economy.
As a comparison in most Western and Central European countries taxes can reach as high as 60%.
Having a stable economic environment and a stimulating tax system are a major factor but not enough for most. Therefore, the last factor we would like to focus on is the Banking System.
As a part of the EU the banking system in Bulgaria was subjected to a stress test, which was passed by all banks.
Additionally, all banks showed to be highly liquid assuring investors they are able to sustain any outside pressure.
The Three factors explained above have all made Bulgaria a very preferable place for investors to start or move their company.
Can this be achieved if you are not a Bulgarian citizen or present in the country?
By choosing a reputable partner such as Bulgarian Law you will be able to complete the whole incorporation process remotely. Our dedicated team of lawyers, accountants and economist with over 20 years of experience can assist you every step of the way.
Let us help you take your business to the next level. First consultation is always free of charge for you. Contact us.

More information about our company and team can be found on our corporate web site.
If you have any further questions please use the contact button or call us for free.